20 Years of HealingJoanna Wiley
Joanna Wiley has been practicing Shamanic and Energetic Medicine for 20 years in 5 lineages (Peruvian, Mayan, Celtic, Lakota, Cree), and 26 years of Yoga and Buddhism. She is a multiple Mesa Carrier and weaves together a tapestry of shamanic medicine, healing arts, sacred space, meditations, and journeys through non-dual wisdom teachings.
Joanna’s passions are co-creating healthy and resilient communities, land honouring rituals, permaculture, and ceremonies. She leads Trauma Informed Practices in her One-On-One Sessions, and Teaches Courses in: Archetypal Mesa Medicine Wheel, Peruvian Pleiadean Priestesses (Q’oto Kuna), Peruvian Goddesses (Nustas), Monthly Goddess Circles, Fire Ceremonies, Energetic Medicine Classes, Healing Temples and Ceremonies.
Joanna spent eight years in University, graduating with a Bachelors of Fine Arts, and Humanities in Counselling, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. She is an artist with over 70 art gallery exhibits, installation public art, and nine years of remote city art. She worked for twenty years as a graphic designer and owned her own design agency.
Joanna has been trained and certified in many healing modalities over the past 20 years including: Reiki Master and Teacher, Crystal Colour and Sound Therapy, Goddess and Priestess Temples, Rites of Passage, Permaculture (PDC), Yoga Teacher (Y200), Trauma Informed Yoga, Urban Ashram, Breathwork, Huna, NLP, Herbology, Peruvian Pleiadean Priestess, Peruvian Goddess, Munay-Ki, Shamanic Practitioner Healers Training, Shamanic Advanced Healers Training, Embodiment Practices, Inquiry, Dying Consciously and Death Doula. She also facilitates Medicine Sweat Lodges and participates in Sundance, Round Dance, and many women’s ceremonies and healing temples.
Joanna believes that by uncovering our own personal mythic story, humans can reconnect with their true nature journey of passion, joy, and creativity. Her mission is to empower people to remember their own healing medicines and integrate them into their own personal practice. She has devoted her life to a path of healing and connecting true nature with the soul.
I was given these names in ceremony by my elders. Peru Q’ero: Tapukuq Atiy (Inquisitive Power), Cree: Kihew Iskwew (Eagle Woman) and Lakota: Sá Khéya Wínyan (Red Turtle Woman).