Heart Mountain Wellness practitioners uphold a strict ethics policy in terms of confidentiality. Any and all information provided through this website is kept private and strictly confidential. Your personal information, including email address, will never be shared with any third party.
Medical Disclaimer
No information from Heart Mountain Wellness is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical problems or medical conditions. The information contained within this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended for the treatment, cure, diagnosis, or mitigation of a disease or condition. If you have any medical conditions or are taking any prescription or non-prescription medications, see your physician before altering or discontinuing the use of medications. Persons with potentially serious medical conditions should seek professional care. No therapeutic or medical claims have been implied or made.
We realize that emergencies and other scheduling conflicts arise and are sometimes unavoidable. However, advance notice allows us to fulfill other patient’s scheduling needs and keeps our business operating at is most efficient level.
This policy is in place out of respect for our practitioners and our clients. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice are difficult to fill. By giving last minute notice or no notice at all, you prevent someone else from being able to schedule into that time slot, and leave a 60-minute hole in your practitioners schedule.
Please provide our office with 24-hour notice to change or cancel an appointment. Clients who do not attend a scheduled appointment or do not provide 24-hour notice to change a scheduled appointment may be responsible for a $50.00 service charge.
There are no refunds after payment, yet we do offer credits towards sessions, classes, courses or items from Heart Mountain Medicine.
Scent-Free Policy
Heart Mountain Wellness staff and clients report sensitivities to various chemical-based or scented products. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in our efforts to accommodate their health concerns.
In response, Heart Mountain Wellness has developed a Scent-Free Policy. Scented synthetic products such as hair spray, perfume, cologne, deodorant essential oils – especially patchouli and dryer sheets can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Staff and clients are asked to not use these products when reporting to this office.
Heart Mountain Wellness is a Scent-Free environment. If you cannot arrive in person scent free, we can still assist you by working remotely.
Alcohol, Drug and Cigarette Policy
For best results, please refrain from using mind altering substances – alcohol and drugs for 24 hours before a session or class. If you cannot wait 24 hours from using, please refrain use on the day of session or class. This includes plant medicine ceremonies and hero doses, yet microdose are ususally fine. Best results are from a clear mind, body and soul. Please check with us if you have any questions.
If you are a smoker, please “air out” before arriving, and do not use synthetic scents to cover up smoke. If you can kindly wait to smoke until after your session ~ this is preferred. Thank you!